We at Philbrook empathize with ALL who have been and will continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re in this together and are here to help. We are committed to four new initiatives to enact our mission while supporting the immediate needs of our community through this difficult time.

SUPPORTING TULSA AREA COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND: As long as our physical doors are closed, Philbrook will contribute 10% of all membership dollars earned to the Tulsa Area Covid-19 Response Fund established by Tulsa Area United Way and Tulsa Community Foundation. Join, renew, or return as a Philbrook Member to support your Museum and your community.
SUPPORTING FOOD BANKS: This month we will begin seeding our own Philbrook Victory Garden, expanding the footprint and yield of our current edible garden by three times, focusing on regional produce with high nutritional value. This effort will greatly increase the amount of fresh whole food we donate to community food banks each season. In addition, look for instructional videos from theexperts on our horticulture team for tipsn on starting or expanding your own garden.
SUPPORTING ARTISTS: Artists are the heart of our growing cultural community and core to the Philbrook mission. In addition to our commitment to pay all artists featured in our original digital content, we’re working to provide additional platforms to support local artists and creatives. In partnership with OVAC (Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition), Philbrook will launch an emergency response online marketplace to support the sale of works by local artists. 100% of sale proceeds will go directly to artists (buyer handles shipping).
SUPPORTING YOU: During a crisis, creativity and connecting people remain at the heart of our mission. Join us online daily as we continue to bring you the #MuseumFromHome. Enjoy curator talks, artist interviews, museum takeovers, gardening tips, live performances by local musicians, our award-winning Museum Confidential podcast, family art club activities, DJ sets, and much more. Stay connected with Philbrook on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. If you are in a position to do so, consider helping us provide more content like this through a small donation to the Philbrook Annual Fund online. Visit philbrook.org/donate.Thanks to the generosity of community partner FC Tulsa, gifts will be matched dollar for dollar through the month of April.